Saturday, November 22, 2014

2014 Herping Season

Here are a few of the many herps found this past season in Northeastern PA and in NJ. In the future there will be more frequent and specific posts, but here are some pictures to start.

Northern Red-belly snake
 Smooth Green Snake
 Eastern Ribbon Snake

 Eastern Garter Snake

 Northern Water Snake
 Northern Dusky Salamander

 Northern Spring Salamander
 Northern Brown Snake

 Northern Red Salamander
Northern Copperhead
 Five Line Skink
 Eastern Rat Snake
 Wood Frog
 Red Spotted Newt
 Black Racer
 Wetland in Northern NJ
Ambystoma egg masses in a vernal pond

 Northern Red Salamander
 Northern Cricket Frog
 Marbled Salamander
 Northern Ring Neck Snake
 Four Toed Salamander
 Red spotted newt
 Diamond Back Terrapin
 Four Toed Salamander
 Spring Peeper
 Northern Cricket Frog
 Red backed Salamander

 Northern Copperhead
 Black Racer
Black Rat Snake